Profile PictureNaomi Rufina

Naomi Rufina (they/she/he) I’m a queer, genderfluid model & performance artist of Romani & Irish heritage. Working at the intersection of photography, life drawing and movement. With a strong focus on self-portraiture photography, I play with character-building, surrealism, satire & finding inspiration in the elements and the animistic practices of my ancestors.  Being a person of mixed Romani heritage - I explore how my experiences of being an “outsider” indirectly influences me. For these reasons, my practice is a spiritual devotion to exploring our rawness as beings, as well as healing & transforming my ancestors traumas.  I do not have the answers - I am just feeling my way with tenderness, grief, rage, joy, sensuality, exploring how our complexities as humans can be a catalyst for creation and an inspiration for other artists. Thank you for being here. 

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